Thread: Hurt Bird
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Old 09-01-2004, 06:20 PM
wacki wacki is offline
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Default Hurt Bird

A question of morals.

I found a bird in the middle of the road. It was flapping around so I picked it up. One wing and two legs are moving. The other wing is motionless. I put it in a safe spot behind some bushes, and it has simply layed there for about an hour. It is not a species of bird that carries the West Nile virus, and considering where I found it and it's symptoms, it seems pretty obvious it's injured and not sick.
The bird is breathing heavily and looks as if it's in intense pain as it is not afraid of humans at all.

A friend told me that the answer to the problem is to break it's neck. I agree, however, neither he nor I are want to do this. At the same time I don't want it to suffer. What should I do?
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