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Old 09-01-2004, 10:32 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Can you spell \"Anglo-Iranian\" ?

"This grossly oversimplifies the situation."

Does it?

Although I stated that I would be brief, what I posted was the truth about Iran and the US. You show yourself as only a little knowledgeable about the American gaffes in Iran - and you know the saying about a little knowledge.

I have an original copy of the issue of Fortune magazine whereby the CIA bureau chief boasts quite openly about what the Agency did! His byline! (Has a pic of him too!)

"A tough choice we were faced with, a point that you conveniently overlook with the benefit of hindsight."

What "tough choice"? What "hindsight"? Bollocks to all that. Mossadegh was a respectable, secular, democratic Prime Minister. His crime had to do with oil, baby. The guy wanted oil profits to go mainly to the Iranian Treasury rather than some outsiders. That was all there was to it - and the Americans hurriedly went to battle to install "their" guy. They thought that would be the Shah Pahlevi (ROTFL) with the opposition consisting of safe, anti-communist mullahs (ROTFLMAO)!
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