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Old 07-15-2002, 06:12 AM
Posts: n/a

Yesterday, well Sunday afternoon I had a No-Limit Tournament at my house. It was a table of 9 people. Yes I tilted, throughout the entire tournament, I made every single mistake possible.

Why do you ask I went on tilt?

I was soooooooo exhausted I had 2 hours of sleep the night before after being up for over 20 hours the day before and I could not even think straight, my senses were way off.

My resolve was totally worn out, don't get me wrong had I been in a ring game, I would have definitley gotten up, but I was in my home and I seriously tilted out!! Put it this way I won a big hand with 4h7h, by turning trip 7's....and I wasn't even in the blind.

It was all down hill from there.

I had no energy. I was so tired. I wasn't even watching the other players. I was just really really out of it.

It made me realize something, when your stamina wears out, sometimes there is nothing you can do when you are still at a Poker Table, but there is something you can do when you get your ass off of it and that is not play poker. But I was in a tournament and had no choice but to play.

-Please don't let this happen to you.
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