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Old 08-20-2004, 12:52 PM
Sloats Sloats is offline
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Default Re: Ridiculousness at the Olympics

Do you remember when the Olympics we fun and not so serious. Winter 1980 would do it for me. Heiden, Heiden, and Myre. Throw in a couple of bobsled countries in which we didn't rank and there was no espinoge on the bobsled designs. Moscow 1980 and LA 1984 and all of the political, corporate, professional, legal BS has totally killed the Olympics for me. I see nothing great about little 14 year old girls permantly stunting their growth doing triple airial sommersaults on two broken fibias, a strained ankle, and a broken wrist just so they can get a medal and justify the 70 hours a week of lost childhood they sacrificed.
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