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Old 08-20-2004, 06:39 AM
Dooner Dooner is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 15
Default Re: Typical Streakiness?

All bad streaks will come to an end. That is if you are a decent player who knows the game. In other words, if you don't blow all your dough on long shots and gut feelings, the streak will end and when it does it will feel oh so good.

I just went through a bad streak myself. I hate the losing streaks as much as the next person, and when you are in the middle of one, it can feel down right horrible when you are getting pummeled left and right. The thing you have to remember is that poker is a game for the long haul. Use the bad streaks to critique and analyze your game. Make those tiny adjustments that we all need to make from time to time and eventually the cards will start falling in your direction again. As frustrating as the bad streaks can be, just remember that they are the pause between the winning ones. Hope this helped.

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