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Old 08-17-2004, 06:34 PM
Wahoo91 Wahoo91 is offline
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Default Re: The next thing in fantasy...

I have to disagree with the Salvatore fans, however. I have LOATHED every book of his I have read (only 2 or 3). Even if he wrote the 2nd coming of LotR, I still could never forgive him for unleashing the abomination that is Drizz't onto the unsuspecting fantasy lit public.

I agree with you for all Drizz't books after the first 4-5. The first three are an A+ with much self exploration and introspection on the part of Drizz't. After the 4th book or so Salvatore resorts to what I call the "Star Wars Problem", e.g. no character development, simply "see Drizz't (Luke) run, see Drizz't (Luke) jump, see Drizz't (Luke)fight.

I really recommend that anyone read the first book and see if you change your mind... Look at the reviews from the first book highlighted below.

Homeland by R.A. Salvatore
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