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Old 08-12-2004, 12:18 AM
Nick Moore Nick Moore is offline
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Default pot odds for pocket read, semi bluffing on the flop, and wired jacks

I have a couple questions.

First, I was playing in a .50/1. limit holdem game at UB. Wired jacks on the button. Several callers before me, so I just call, figuring I'll mainly try to go for trips unless I end up holding an overpair. The little blind raises. For some reason I decide to reraise him when it gets back to me. Is that wrong or right?

He caps it after I do reraise him. I immediately think high pair. Should I call? In retrospect, I am thinking that the reraise on my part could have been correct, but it is a definite fold after he caps it, because this particular player is not a loose weak player but more of a tight aggressive and patient player, plus the fact that he raised and capped in what would be first position from the flop on, suggesting alot of strength.

I do call, and now have an overpair to a paired board of either 9s or 8s and a rag. He bets, and now I'm sure he has an overpair, but he gets two callers in front of me. These are the type of players who if they had trips would raise immediately, and they probably stayed in the capped pot with something like KT or two high cards and thing the bettor is bluffing while betting on high card Ace winning, so I don't worry about them. What I'm worried about is the bettor's overpair. If I'm right, I see six possible combinations each of aces, kings, queens, and tens, with one possible combination of jacks. Thats eighteen losses, one split, which i'll count as a loss to keep that math easy, and 6 wins, which makes it barely worse than a three to one dog for me. Since their are two callers plus the bettor putting in 3 dollars to my 1, is it correct to call, especially now that there is so much money in the pot from the capped bet pre-flop?

He did show Aces and held up.

Second subject.

Since a flush/straight draw on the flop would like several players in the hand, does that make it more correct to semibluff raise in last position than early position, since the double bet in early position could force people out? Or does the extra bet you get from the bettor help even out the less bets from people that are forced out? Also, if you semibluff raise in last position, doesn't the fact that everyone already has money in the pot lessen the chances of winning right now, especially in low limit games, or is that canceled out by the possibility of the free card on fourth street?
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