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Old 11-05-2001, 07:43 AM
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Default Re: Definition of Running bad

I think that there's a difference between running bad and playing bad. As someone who has done both, I can say that it is not always easy to tell the difference. Running good can lead to even more inspired play and running bad can lead to deterioration, for me atleast. At the end of last year I ran bad, and out of frustration and ego my play got somewhat sloppy(played too many hands and pushed some hands too hard in games that didn't warrant it), it took months to realize how sloppy I had become, but only days to make a few corrections that lead to drastic improvements in my results which have continued for months. What's most important, is to play at limits within your bankroll and to constantly and painstakingly examine one's own play, striving to improve and never(or as little as humanly possible) backslide.

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