Thread: loosen up???
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Old 11-04-2001, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: loosen up???


When Sklansky says to "loosen up" this is meant to be taken "relatively." Relative in terms of correct play in tighter games. In other words, where in a tight omaha game you may elect to only play A-3-x-x in late position for one bet or not call a raise cold with A-3-x-x(suited A) in a looser game you may elect to play these hands in somewhat less favorable situations. In holdem, loosening up may mean playing certain hands in certain situations that it would be unadvisable to do in a tighter game.

In other words, it depends on how tight you tend to play in the first place. If you have found that tightening up your game has lead to better results than you were previously experiencing, chances are that you were playing too loose and that your recent adjustments have moved you more toward "correct" play; if this is true, then it would be silly for you to now "loosen up" again. In fact, you might find that if you tighten up even more that your results become even better. I'm not saying that this is a certainty, only a possibility.

Good luck, keep thinkin' and looking for better strategies,

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