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Old 10-25-2001, 11:44 AM
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Default Re: best possible poker strategy

Proper strategy (or tactics) is essential. Scale practice is essential to making music. A grounding in the basic theory and techniques is an essential of musicianship and of poker. It is, however, not sufficient, in and of itself, to be a musician or a poker player.

Glenn Gould told everyone he never practiced, anyone could play the piano, but not everyone could "feel" the music. He lied. Those who knew him reported that he practiced hours and hours every day, but just denied that he did so to the press.

The notes cannot distract from the prime fundamental of music. They are not, however, in and of themselves, music. They are the building blocks. One cannot make music without them, but one cannot make music with additional elements as well.

So perhaps our disagreement here is semantic. Using your excellent first two paragraphs as a base, I would say:

I think an improved way to learn and think about poker will view matters of strategy as just as significant as they are currently viewed, but as insufficent, in and of themselves, to be a successful player.

We are taught to think of starting hands as a fundamental, akin to scales on the piano. While this is true, there are other aspects of both music and poker that are just as fundamental. In music, for example, rhythm, texture and structure. The notes by themselves are essential, but insufficient to make music. At poker, I think there are at least two things just as fundamental as cards. They are, behavior and consistency.

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