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Old 10-24-2001, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: best possible poker strategy

So true, Tommy. One of my favorite kind of opponents to have at the table is a young guy who obviously has read a few poker books and looks flabbergasted when somebody shows down a janky starting hand to win the pot. The fact that he finds it so unthinkable and so crazy means he's going to lose. It doesn't mean he's wrong that playing crappy cards is a bad move, but the surprise and shock shows me that he has no idea what he's doing yet.

I start to drool even more when the guy shows his hand to the table in an appeal for sympathy, and often the hand was so totally misplayed it's hard not to laugh out loud and say "What did you expect!?!?!?". Sometimes it's clear the only thing this player knows is that AK is a good starting hand.

Reminds me of myself when I was younger. Believe me, I made the game good back then, and I thought every one else was an idiot. When I see a player like this at the table, I literally start calculating how many of his chips I am likely to get. They make the game that good. The irony is that they technically have more of a clue than the usual loose-aggressive wild player who hasn't read a thing about poker strategy, but they are much easier to beat.

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