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Old 10-24-2001, 07:57 PM
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Default Re: best possible poker strategy

I think an improved way to learn and think about poker will view matters of strategy as much less significant that they are currently viewed.

We are taught to think of starting hands as a fundamental, akin to scales on the piano. When actually the prime fundamental of music is rhythm. The notes distract from that essential. At poker, I think there are at least two things more fundamental than anything to do with bets and cards. They are, behavior and consistency.

We win the information war through behavior. And we max out our efforts through consistency. If I had a son and I was teaching him how to win at hold'em, I'd drill him on those two things LONG before he ever posted a blind. In the real world, what happens is players develop bad habits, then they learn about starting hands and such, and think that knowing good strategy will overcome the flaws in behavior and consistenty.

Ironically, learning winning strategy causes some players to lose more. Their expectations increase while their fundamental flaws remain unchanged. This leads to increased frustration, which leads to more inconsistency. And the urge to show how smart they are leads to more lost battles in the information war. A nasty catch 22.


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