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Old 08-09-2004, 12:45 AM
zephyr zephyr is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Saskatoon Canada
Posts: 144
Default Mental Check list

Hi all,

I don't typically post on this portion of the form as I primarily play 1-table tournaments, and so find myself posting in that section mostly. However, I've been working on creating a small "checklist" of things to consider when I find myself faced with a tough decision. Similar to lots of you I typically play between 3 and 6 tables at a time and so often decisions are made too quickly without giving them enough thought (good old autopilot mode).

Well, poker being a game of logic, and being highly linear in nature, I've come up with a short checklist to guide my thought process when making tough decisions. I'd like some feedback on it if anyone cares to. Here we go:

Step 1:

Define Hand: Current hand, Draws

Step 2:

Notice number of opponents

Step 3:

Notice number of opponents yet to act

Step 4:

Define hands that have you beat

Step 5:

Define draw hands

Step 6:

Consider pot size and pot odds

Step 7:

Consider stack size and implied odds

Step 8:

Consider betting pattern leading up to this point

Step 9:

Put opponent(s) on a range of hands

Step 10:

Consider opponents hand(s) based on betting pattern

Step 11:

Consider opponent, any reads, previously noticed plays etc.

Step 13:


Like I said, pretty rough. Comments, suggestions, flames!

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