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Old 10-10-2001, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: simplified

Just watch what the show-down when you are in there. IE, you bet middle pair, and someone calls on the end and you win, watch out. That person's alarms have gone off and he's calling you w/ bottom pair or some other hand whose only value is bluff catching. I've found that it's easier to figure out when they loosen up than when they tighten back up b/c you can figure out what they called you with on the end.

I've played a fair amt of short-handed online and I usually start out in a pretty wide open mode and it allows me to get up a good amount before the other couple of players figure it out. However, if I get raised on the turn and have to fold more than once or I get called down w/ a weak ace no pair. It's time for me to tighten up a bit and get back in line b/c the games up. Then I tighten up a little and play my "Normal" shorthanded game.
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