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Old 08-07-2004, 10:52 PM
cnfuzzd cnfuzzd is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 38
Default Re: Good players, bad beats and entitlement: not quite an essay

Perhaps disagree was an incorrect term. Let me rephrase.

I have a theory. Its that when we suffer that sting of a bad beat, we should figure out why it hurts and seek to eliminate that emotional reaction. We should realize that every bad beat that we recieve is, in reality, nothing more than our minds, with a very evolved sense of survival, trying to make sense of Probability. We are trying to make the "beat" something that fits into our paradigm of reward and punishment. We should instead realize that every player who cold calls with garbage is putting money into our bankroll. We must not focus on the pot, but on the longterm. This isnt my theory, actually, its the way that professionals play. Except for phil.

<<<You wouldn't be equating this with calling two/three bets pre-flop cold with T2o, would you? In your example every player in the pot should understand in this situation that they've allowed the BB to get involved in the pot for free, and that he could hold anything. Ain't not the same thing.>>>

No. In no way is playing your big bling a mistake. However, from your post, it sounded like you were envious of the schmoe who calls two cold with 93. I was offering an alternative so that you could get that feeling. If i misunderstood, im sorry. Also, you would be amazed at how many people feel that same sting that you are describing when the BB special comes along.

<<Where in my post do I say anything about wanting to feel a certain way? Let me clarify: in most cases, I prefer to not experience beats, bad or otherwise. Your mileage may vary.>>

Then i am confused, obviously, about what your post actually was, except an attempt to deal with whatever bad beat you had just experienced.

<<<I shouldn't have to point this out, but get real. Nobody reading this post is a bot (ignore if you're the Google news bot) and nobody reading this post plays poker like a bot. It isn't possible.>>>

Most of the people reading this play better than a bot, yet can still go emotionally insane and play worse than a three year old. Just like you cant start shouting for joy every time you are dealt pocket aces, you must learn to control your emotions and avoid that sting. The cards have no memory of the last hand, why should you?

<<<If I should have to play poker without feeling any emotion, then I guess I wouldn't play poker at all.>>>

Understandable. There are several reason to play poker, from making money to wasting time while getting drunk. You dont have to remove emotions from your game. This level of control, which by no means do i possess, is only neccesary for those who want to achieve the highest level of skill, and compete in the top tier of games. The degree of emotional control is equivelent to warrior zen, and something that i personally find highly interesting. Your mileage may vary.


john nickle

Must be time for a new pattern mapper to come out. Lots of bad beat posts lately.
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