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Old 08-02-2004, 01:10 PM
Louie Landale Louie Landale is offline
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Default Re: Game Theory Question - Where do you put the number...?

Maybe I didn't read this correctly. Sounds like you are saying that folks that don't like the flop will get some percentage of their pre-flop investment back; where they first discard one card figuring to subsequently check-and-fold. Also, those who flop trips with a pair on board and those that have a pair no kicker and those that flop a one-card draw may be tempted to discard even they they figure to continue playing.

If we ignore the relatively rare cases where someone will discard figuring to continue playing, this game (say you get 40% of your money back) is similar to the following: PreFlop bets are $6. There is a after-flop betting round of $4 featuring no-checking-and-no-raising. There is then a normal post-flop betting round of $10.

The bigger the % pay-back the more late position is worth since you get to see what folks do during the no-check-no-raise $4 round: you will often win in last position without risk when everyone folds.

I don't see the point.

- Louie
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