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Old 07-25-2004, 12:23 PM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Land of 1000 dunces

There are, as usual, numerous things wrong with your arguments. One of them is that they are irrelevant! This is not about right-wing versus left-wing but about the relation of handgun availability to crime, in general.

Brazil has only recently elected someone who is not from the right-wing of politics, namely Lula. He is a populist more than anything else. He will not do any of the things his opponents accuse him of or fear. Such as the much-needed land reform. Or stopping the destruction of the rainforest. Or cracking down on private death-squad armies financed by the oligarchy.

The item I posted was about guns. It had a funny side to it too! Brazil declared an amnesty for whomever handed over illegally held guns. So a Brazilian woman hands over some thousand guns!

So relax. Your rage makes you miss some funny sights...

"Leftism cannot be implemented without granting government near-totalitarian powers. It is an oxymoron to have a Leftist government without overwhelming centralized power. And that inevitably leads to eventual and overwhelming tyranny."

you must mean "communism". Leftism as a term does not exist outside the fevered paranoia of extreme rightwingers such as yourself (who are also ignorant of political philosophy and just spout off terms straight from the tabloids or WorldNetDaily).

There are a lot of things to be said about humanity's latest (i.e. last two hundred years') fad, capitalism, a lot of them good, some of them worryingly bad - but I just don't think you have the capability or the even keel to be the opposite part in such a debate.


How about them [insert favorite spots team here] huh ?
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