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Old 07-25-2004, 10:06 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Guns vs crime in Brazil

Obviously both Left and Right governments have done it; I said Leftist governments because: 1) Brazil has moved sharply left recently and Cyrus' post referred to Brazil, and 2) Communist governments have BY FAR the worst records in history for slaughtering people. Nothing even comes close to the USSR's and Red China's records for slaughter--nothing.

Funny, too, that you should pick up so defensively like that on something that was both relevant to Cyrus' post, and quite appropriate to mention in the larger historical picture;-)

Take a look at history and you will see clearly that Leftist governments have engaged in by far the most slaughter. It isn't even close. Red China and the USSR slaughtered between 80-100 million of their own people. That doesn't even count deaths in war, or the atrocities of other communist governments in Southeast Asia.

When will people wake up? Apparently, never. That's why Ray Zee and Zeno have more wisdom in their little fingers than all the Leftists in the world possess in their combined cerebral cortexes;-)

Leftism cannot be implemented without granting government near-totalitarian powers. It is an oxymoron to have a Leftist government without overwhelming centralized power. And that inevitably leads to eventual and overwhelming tyranny.
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