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Old 07-22-2004, 02:18 AM
paland paland is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Ashcroft Federal Penitentiary
Posts: 78
Default Re: Anarchists at the RNC

Exactly. They only approve the killing of Americans.

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I'm not interesting in aSSholes who are going to disrupt any convention. I was refering to the post's author putting "hippies" as the perpetuators. It will not be hippies doing that. It will be fanatics of different sorts. I don't like the general term "hippies" being applied to anything that a facist doesn't like.

As for killing Americans, that is a general group. Which Americans do you mean? If it is the "American" Gangster who does a drive-by, then I don't care if he gets killed. If it is the "American" KKK idiot who burns crosses, then I don't care if he gets killed. If it is some "American" Christian radical blowing up Federal Buildings with bombs, then I don't care if he gets killed.
I don't judge whether to like someone based on if he or she is an "American". I judge them on an individual basis. And most Americans are people who I have no love for. Most people anywhere in the world are people who I have no love for.
So go ahead and love your "American" gansters, thieves and general idiots. In fact, give them head while your loving them.
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