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Old 07-21-2004, 09:14 AM
Utah Utah is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 452
Default Have You Ever Stuffed Your Pants Inadvertently?

Sandy Berger did. I am suprised that this story was not brought up by all the Bush bashers on this forum. Surely, no one would suggest that these bashers are one sided hypocrites? I wonder what they would say if a top Republican was stuffing his pants with ultra classified material?

I am trying to think of any way that stuffing your pants with classified material could be inadvertent. Maybe there was a hot chick outside the room and Sandy was simply trying to beef up his bulge and he accidently grabbed classified material to do so???

Also, if you read the New York Times or CNN you will see clear bias in the story. They completely fail to mention the facts of the case and make it seem that it was an accident. In neither story do they mention that Berger has admitted to stuffing material in his pants. Its not even The New York Times lead story and they downplay it with a title making it seem like a simple campaign issue. How is that possible? Clinton's National Security Advisor is stealing top secret documents and the times thinks Microsofts dividend story is bigger. hmmmm.....
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