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Old 07-09-2004, 02:22 PM
msb msb is offline
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Posts: 2
Default Standard Operating Procedure?

I was in a SnG last night and had about $3500, while my remaining two opponents had about $1200 and $1300.

We were in the 50-100 level and my internet connection was lost. It took me about 5 minutes to reconnect, but by that time I had only $900 left.

These guys realized I had disconnected and called/raised my blinds while I was gone as fast as they could. I checked the history and they didn't play one game between each other.... just satisfied to split my blinds as fast as they could.

When I called them out on it (I believe I said something like "You guys suck!") one guy responded with "Sorry, dude, standard operating procedure." I was steamed... granted it was only a microlimit, but I was beating the pants off these guys and in 5 minutes I lost 3/4 of my stack!

Anyway... what I want to know is this really "standard operating procedure" when the table is shorthanded and someone drops their connection? Does anybody else agree with me that this really sucks?
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