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Old 07-07-2004, 03:39 AM
natedogg natedogg is offline
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Default Liberal Conservative Left Right, what do those labels mean anyway?

What is the difference between "conservative" and "right"?
What is the difference between "liberal" and "left".

I've always considered "liberal" to mean generally permissive, especially with social mores and laws about them. Liberals smoke pot, sleep around, "embrace diversity", vociferously promote gay rights, etc. etc.

To me "left" is more about social programs and engineering, creating policies to "make our society better" because that is government's role. Also, the left pretty much hates the rich as far as I can tell, whereas the liberals often ARE the rich.

Conservative has always been closely tied to "religious" for me. They hate atheists and the ACLU. Conservatives want to govern your behaviour not for your own good, but because they it's "immoral" if you do coke and see hookers and have abortions. Whereas the left wants to outlaw coke for the benefit of society. They outlaw prostitution because it is exploitation not because it's inherently immoral to screw strangers.

That leaves the "right". As far as I can tell, "the right" is the folks who run the country from behind closed doors, run oil companies, and are really pro-war. They used to be the rabid anti-communists but now they are zionists.

They fight environmental regulations, they don't believe global warming is real, they hate big government except when it is passing laws to hinder unions or spend money on more nuclear bombs.

These are impressions I get from the media and other outlets about these terms. Seriously. I know they are caricatures but that's what I see in news, commercials, and propoganda. Is it accurate?

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