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Old 06-29-2004, 10:01 AM
easypete easypete is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 70
Default Re: how could i have gotten more form this hand?

Here's the thing about raising pf. You have a very good starting hand (one of the best). With a table full of limpers, almost all will call you. This does a few things:

1. It ties most of the players to the pot (now the pot is huge 16 SB w/ 7 limpers and you). This is how to build a pot for this hand.

2. Once you raised pf, and you come out betting, what information are you conveying? Really, nothing. They all expect it. So, just about everyone will call or raise with any drawing hand, pair, 2 pair, smaller set, etc.

3. If you raised pf, do not check here, that will clue other players into the strenght of your hand more than betting will.

Without the raise pf, you've got none of this. Your bet on the flop may scare more players away than a bet on the flop after you raise pf.

One word of caution. Just because you raise pf, this should not tie you to the hand. Post flop play is still very important. If that flop came out AK4 w/ a 2-flush, be ready to fold to a raise or 3-bet (especially with this many still in the hand).

As for the converter. Request the hand history from PS. Copy the text from your email from the whole hand and paste into the top panel of the converter. Check the boxes in the upper right hand corner for the information you want and click the "Convert Hand" button. Copy the text in the bottom panel into a post. That's about it.
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