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Old 06-28-2004, 11:36 AM
thomastem thomastem is offline
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Default Re: Heres another point to consider.....


I will answer you seriously but first let me point at that on one hand you say tougher games teach you more so go to UB and Stars and then you say Stars and UB aren't really tougher negating your first point.

First it is true that in sports or strategy games you learn more by losing than winning. Ask Chess or backgammon players.

Now the reason Party is the best fish pond is total number of players and tables. The more tables going the smaller the impact 3 table players have on the toughness of the games.

So right now the games may look close but if you were to take the 3 tablers from party and put them on any other site you would see Party's games loosen up greatly and the other sites tighten greatly.

Now if you are beating the games at UB and Stars why in the world would you try and invite a bunch of sharks to your pond? I have a small site that I play at regularly and I purposely NEVER mention it because it's nothing but fish and I rarely see someone that I don't have notes on.

Damned if I tell you where.
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