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Old 06-12-2004, 01:14 AM
paland paland is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Ashcroft Federal Penitentiary
Posts: 78
Default Re: now i\'m really cross

Guilt by association? Sure, in this extreme case.

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You've got to be kidding me! You don't really feel this way do you? I know some hillbillys do but not intelligent people. Thats why we in the USA have a constitution, to protect it's citizens from Government abuse. Unfortunately GWB's goon squad has torn that document up.

I bought a Glock 37 a few months ago. It's a beautifuI 45 caliber pistol that cost $750 with the extra's. I bought it not because I fear from a terrorist, but because I fear from people that think like above. Mostly ignorant redneck types. These kind of thinkers that you just mentioned (I'm really hoping that you are joking) are a much larger threat to American freedoms than any terrorist ever dreamed of accomplishihg. This type of thinking is exactly what the terrorist want, an America that has no freedom or rights.
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