Thread: Slotboom/Sexton
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Old 06-21-2002, 05:08 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Slotboom/Sexton


I also want to extend my thanks to you, David and Ray for making this site possible. Some people think that RGP is a place where you have to wade through the crap to get the nuggets. I disagree, because I haven't ever found any useful poker content on that site (still visit it often for the sheer entertainment value).

I, again, have to agree that you're being too sensitive to critisism here. I understand that you're prone to be this way, given that it's your site and all the hard work that must go into it. However, I think that staying above the crap is the best way to go about it.

Personally, I think that Rolf could be a great contributor to this site, but that his absence really wouldn't kill us. Additionally, I'm sure that Mike Sexton has some solid information to share, but that he always seems to have an agenda or event to promote and that this detracts a lot from his writing.

In this particular case, it's no big deal. In the general case, staying above the fray and sticking to poker (or fishing) topics is probably the best idea.

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