Thread: Slotboom/Sexton
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Old 06-21-2002, 04:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Slotboom/Sexton

I agree. Personally, I could care less about how Mason, or anyone else here for that matter, handles their interpersonal relationships with others. If you want to be an ass - then be my guest.

I happen to enjoy this forum. My only complaint is the really crappy web based format which even on a fast internet connection can be a pain the butt to navigate and is really a pain when you are trying to reply to thread and can only see the ONE message that you currently are reading. This is a pain but something I can live through.

I don't want to speak for everyone here but I'm sure I'm too off the mark when I say that the majority of us could care less about what this post says - and care even less about it's context in relation to what we all think these forums are about - which, in a nutshell is becoming better poker players. To me, this post has no relevance - whatsoever - to this and it was a waste of my time here even reading it.

The only reason I'm responding now is that I'm tired of them. The whole Abdul/Mason thing that went down a month or so ago was a disgrace - to whom or what I'm not so sure - but it was a real downer to come here and have to wade through post after post of that crap.

Honestly, I'm glad that this forum is moderated. RGP is a nightmare. While there's no doubt that there is some good info to be found there - IMO, its hardly worth wading through the spam and other trash that is posted there daily.

To sum up here - I would be just fine not seeing any crap like this anymore. I know this is a "news and views" group, but come on...
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