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Old 05-27-2004, 07:51 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: The Right to \"Ethnically Cleanse\"

From its inhabitants. Numerous countries and territories didn't have and/or hadn;t previously had sovereignty or any of it;s trappings at the end of the colonialist period; that didn;t mean they were simply up for grabs. There had never been an independent state of Ireland prior to the British withdrawal; does that mean anyone who fancied it was entitled to come along and take the land off the people who lived there?

"Would the Arab states have not declared war on Great Britain during the mandate, if this was about colonization? "

Britian had promised the Arabs self-determination in return for support in WW1. By the time they realised they were the victims of a hoax, Britain was well on its way of getting out so a war against it would have been pointless, not to mention unwinnable. THere was a major Palestinian rebellion against the British during their rule.
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