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Old 05-10-2004, 01:45 PM
Ulysses Ulysses is offline
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Default The case of the attacking furniture (and some poker)

I collapse in my room, sometime around noon I think. Sometime between 5 and 6pm I wake up. There were less than 20 Glenlivets consumed, so while I'm not feeling great, I'm not feeling tremendously bad. While contemplating this, I find myself laying on the floor and my head hurts. I touch my head and my hand looks like it has something on it. I rub my other hand across my forehead and now I realize it's covered with blood. I walk into the bathroom and find my face covered in blood. Luckily, it's just a small gash on my forehead that's bleeding like crazy. I manage to stop the bleeding, but I'm unable to definitively identify the culprit. I'm pretty sure it was the TV cabinet that attacked me, but the wall also looked a little suspicious.

After all this, I head downtown. Paluka is running over a PLO game, which he informs me he has never played. I head over to the Nugget where Clark, Coilean, and Sucker are trying to get a 50-100 going. I don't want to play limit w/ them, plus I'm still reeling from my huge blackjack losses, so I go eat w/ a friend. After eating I decide to meet up w/ the guys later, but right at that moment they call a 2-5 NL game. So, why not? Paluka wanders over and jumps in the game but nothing very exciting happens. I only play one hand of significance, which I'll post over in PL/NL. A little while later, Tommy Angelo wanders by to say hi and then noted poker authority Ed Miller shows up. Clark decides it's time to do some drinking and we head over to the Monte Carlo for some action-filled 4-8. Sucker and I terrorize one table until we get moved over to Clark's table along with Coilean, noted poker authority Ed Miller, and a couple of their friends. We then proceed to have a very lively 4-8 game. There were plenty of, uh, unorthodox hands, but I think the game can be best summarized by the fact that on one hand (some players were innocent bystanders caught in the middle) the dealer actually had to announce "No live straddles this hand." Many, many drinks were consumed by all at a rapid clip. And then, for reasons I'm not exactly sure of, the floorman came by and changed the game to 2-5NL. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
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