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Old 05-10-2004, 01:24 PM
Ulysses Ulysses is offline
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Default Blackjack w/ Coilean

So, I get to Vegas. I get in late and head straight to the blackjack tables. I gamble for a while and soon a couple of my buddies have shown up, then noted poker authority Ed Miller, Coilean, and Sucker show up. Noted poker authority Ed Miller and Sucker join the game while Coilean observes. Finally, we convince Coilean to join the game. He pulls out a roll of what looks like about $62,000 and slowly pulls off a single (as my buddy Barry referred to them the whole trip) "hundski." There's some winning and some losing, and finally Coilean is down to about $15. At that point, he pulls out another $100, "just in case." I mention to Coilean that he can actually pull money out of his pocket if he needs to double or split. Things go well and soon he has a nice little stack of red. At that point, I realize that Coilean really doesn't know anything about table games. "Hey, Coilean, you can put that bill back in your pocket if you want!" We grow tired of this and head over to the craps table, where noted poker authority Ed Miller has a nice roll to win everyone a few bucks. Back to blackjack, where I have my only winning blackjack session of the trip. The drink of choice is Glenlivet neat (on the rocks for noted poker authority Ed Miller), countless number of which are consumed. We get bored again and decide to finish off the gambling with the foolproof roulette system I picked up from Terry. The plan was simple. Start w/ $50 and take it to $17,000 in three spins. Sucker and Coilean pile their chips on top of my winning picks, but unfortunately the wrong number comes up. Sucker and Coilean call it a night. Noted poker authority Ed Miller and a couple of friends head out w/ me to an adult establishment. Within minutes, numerous scantily clad beauties start fawning over noted poker authority Ed Miller. We spend some quality time there then I head back to the casino where I manage to find $1200 on the table with me holding 20,20,19 and the dealer holding 6. In fact, this exact situation occurs twice and both times the dealer manages to show a ten underneath and pull a 5. Good times.
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