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Old 05-08-2004, 08:10 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default Chris and ACPlayer Posts Indicate Why Bush Should Fire Rumsfeld

Obviously the administration is "circling the wagons" but that is wrong headed IMO. This a major fiasco for Bush but I'm not sure he get's it yet. The Iraqis aren't going to trust the US military to investigate itself and I dare say the rest of the Arab world isn't either. Certainly not with Rumsfeld leading the investigation, why should they? I'm not presuming to know how widespread this abuse was/is but Bush needs to do something to repair the damage that has been done. Sacking Rumsfeld IMO sends a message to Iraqis and the Arab world that Bush wants to get to the bottom of this and that he is serious about it. Also keeping Rumsfeld around and "spinning" events gives those such as ACPlayer, Cyrus , and Chris a stronger position.
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