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Old 08-15-2002, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: Type A personality/need advice

By itself a Type A personality is NOT a liability at poker. In fact, the extreme competitive drive can be a distinct asset. Most poker champions ar Type A. However, the impatience -- which is also part of this personality type -- is a liability.

You are correct to avoid $.50-$1.00. Virtually all of those games are unbeatable because the rake is much too high. In addition, nobody can play well for stakes that are boring.

Although you did not have a large enough bankroll for $3-$6, you were beating the game. You did not beat $5-$10. The reasons for not beating it MAY include your small bankroll, but could include a much more important factor: You may not have sufficient skill to beat the tougher game. If you cannot beat a game, it does not matter how big your bankroll is.

My advice is quite simple. Stick with $3-$6 until you have beaten it for at least $6 per hour for 1,000 hours. Then try $5-$10, but only in the softest games. That is, keep $3-$6 as your primary game, but take occasional trips to the larger game.

If you don't beat the larger game, stay in the smaller one for as long as it takes. It is far, far better to beat a little game than to lose in a big one.

This subject was covered in a series I wrote for Poker Digest called "Should you move up?" If you post your email, I'll send you copies.

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