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Old 10-03-2001, 05:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Poker Rates and Comps?

So how does this work exactly? You call them up and tell them you want to stay at their hotel and play poker there. They give you a special rate. Then what? When you go to the poker room you check in and tell then you are on a special rate and they track your hours played? Do you have to play at a certain limit or above?

On a similar note, I hear about good casino patrons getting comps for say playing so many hours of blackjack with a certain average bet size. My understanding is that you have to ask to get rated and then ask for comps. Do poker rooms comp their players (I always get the feeling we are at the bottom of the food chain as far as casino's are concerned since all we do is drive the rake)? If so, how does that work (I assume it is different by location, but I also assume there are some basic things to know)? And exactly how much do you have to beg for your buffet comp or whatever?
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