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Old 04-04-2004, 08:18 PM
Suvorov Suvorov is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 4
Default Party Poker SnG\'s: Frustrating and Futile

Hi All,

This is more of a rant then anything. Why is it that people on this site will call with almost anything, then get lucky as hell? In the last few days, I have had the strangest bad beats. Just tonight I am dealt KK in the small blind on the very first hand of the tourney. There are a few callers, so I make a pre flop raise of T150 and only get one caller. Flop comes Q 5 9 rainbow. So I fire out a T200 bet, and he calls. Ok, maybe he has AA. The next card out is a 5. Still nothing threatening, so I bet another 250, he calls. River comes a J. I decide to check this and he does also. What is he holding? A T8 suited, giving him a straight and the chips. He calls a T150 pre flop raise with T8 suited. WTF????

One more example: In middle position, I am dealt AK suited. Comes to me and I rasie to T125(BB's are 30 at this time). No callers except the BB. Flop comes 9 K 3. Excellent for me. I bet 250, close to the pot size, BB calls. Hmm, maybe he has Kx and flopped 2 pair(so many go in with Kx). So the turn comes 5. Since he checked to me, I bet again, this time T200, he calls. Now the river comes with a J. No way he can have a flush, it was all rainbow. He checks to me but I go ahead and check as well, in case this is a trap. What does he have? 9 3 off!!!!! 2 pair with 9's & 3's!!! I had to ask him why he would call a big pre flop raise and his response was "I was the BB and had to defend it"! OMG!!!

I play a lot of SnG's and have a pretty good win % at this point. Unfortunatley, my bankroll is a little tight, so I am stuck playing hte $5 and $10 buy ins. I know that it is better to wait a few levels and let the morons get knocked out, but when you are dealt a good hand, how can you not play it? I cannot wait to get my bankroll up so I can play the higher limit tables where people actually know what they are doing. It is very frustrating to lose to dumb ass luck. I am sorry if I sound harsh for my first post here, but it can be soooo frustrating.

Thanks for listening and if you would like to comment, ESPECIALLY if you think I played these hands wrong, please do so.
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