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Old 03-27-2004, 03:48 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Technical analysis

Ok I think we're all agreed that if something is easily available to everyone, it probably doesn't have much value. For instance a chart fits in here. Regarding charts, there was a poster who posted on the poker forums named Dick in Phoenix. He posted several graphs of random variables with a positive expectation. Several posters remarked how they resembled charts of various stocks they had seen. Nuff said about that.

Nobody is going to post trade secrects on a web site like this but perhaps there are ideas that people have that might bare some fruit. I'll just say that IMO there probably are some opportunities in day trading the indices especially QQQ. It does seem to me that there is "momentum" on both the downside and the upside. Quantifying momentum is another story. FWIW I do believe stock prices tend to gravitate towards option strike prices and that people that follow the market closely on a daily basis do take advantage of exagertated movements for short term trades (David Sklansky posted one for MSO when the Martha Stewart story started breaking that turned out to be very profitable), sometimes just plain "flipping" a position in an hour or so.
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