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Old 03-12-2004, 05:03 AM
Daliman Daliman is offline
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Posts: 382
Default Re: To the Moneyaker followers

Ok, you say Phil Ivey, yet Phil Ivey called a big bet from Moneymaker in that fateful AQo vs 99 hand, when he not only called it, but called it knowing there was a player behind him. He called a large bet for a 22-1 shot and got VERY lucky, yet all anyone ever talks about is how lucky MM got and how bad he played it when he hit his 6.5-1, like ANYONE else there is foldding top trips, best kicker.
Phil Ivey is a great player, but his propensity to overplay small/medium Pocket pairs was the ruin of him. Also, earlier in the tournament, he pissed away 90k of his ~200K stack vs sammy farha calling his bet on the end with a 9448A board, Ivey called w/ K9? Farha showed him quads. TERRIBLE PLAY. Not a single play MM made was half as bad. And don't give me the hand vs brenes; brenes tried to trap by betting small, and he got caught. MM DOES NOT CALL brenes's allin there, guaranteed, but MM DID think he could possibly win simply by coming over the top, which he WOULD have on the raise alone if brenes had ANY better hand than 88 that was less than kings, period. Try again.
The Farha hand alone was pathetic on Ivey's part. Worst part is, if he was right, he's some kinda genius. But the 19 times out of 20 he's wrong, "oh well, i had a read". Same thing Hellmuth does, calling crap Ace high on opponets allin flop bet, when he KNOWS they have to have a pair.....
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