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Old 02-08-2004, 10:36 AM
scotnt73 scotnt73 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default Re: I\'m taking it in the shorts lately.. will someone look at this?

(By the way, at no point in this hand did I think I was going to win it. Should that tell me anything?)

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Even before the flop you didn't? Take a break like *now*. I've been there, and that's a horrible state of mind in which to be playing.

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i agree take a break. ive been there too. (read or reread one of the great poker books during this break). when you come back try to make sure you have several winning sessions in a row no matter how small. if you are up 10 dollars tell yourself you are going to leave at least 5 dollars up. string several small wins together and you will have your confidence back in no time.
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