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Old 02-03-2004, 08:44 PM
OneStuckFish OneStuckFish is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 37
Default Re: blind stealing.....

Though I feel I play a little different from most people on this forum, it is none-the less successful for me so far (56% ROI in 5-10$ s-n-g's). I prefer to play a type of poker that prevents me from having to think hard, or make close call decisions in even slightly sticky situations in which any number of chips may be involved other than the most minute amount. With that said I choose to steal with only very bad unplayable hands such as anything worse than say a 6-7 offsuit or comprable hand like such a 10-3. I also steal with large hands such as AA-QJo after its been folded to me on the button-BB. Any middle grade hands suck as K-9o down thru a 8-9o or comparable hand I prefer to call. This does a few things that work out well for my style of play. If I steal with one of the big hands, and get played back at, obviously Im a favorite. If Im stealing with a bad hand and get called, it prevents me from getting committed to a losing pot. If I steal with something like K-9o and get called and a K or a 9 hits the flop, I must bet it, but getting played back at would put me to a tough decision, and tough decisions I dont like to make. Calling here gives him the chance to reraise me from the BB or the SB so I may have some idea of his type of hand. I wont overwork myself mentally over a blind steal, and then get too commited with a hand that simply had one purpose..winning without a showdown. I'm sure Ill get criticism, but that is the way I choose to play poker.
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