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Old 01-30-2004, 02:17 PM
bmedwar bmedwar is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Jacksonville, FL, USA
Posts: 71
Default slow play online

last night I was playing three games on party. On one of them the guy to my left was bitching like hell in the chat about me playing too slowly. I would take a few seconds to make each decision, but I'd rarely get that timer tick down, and I never got auto-outed from the timer expiring. This guy was going nuts saying that I was ruining the game, but nobody else at the table seemed to mind my pace. Nobody at any other table has complained either. I turned off the chat after a while. One hand I was on a draw heads-up with the complainer and I missed; he bet on the river and I waited until the timer went down to 5 seconds until I folded. He left the table a few hands later. Should I try to speed up my game or is this guy just impatient?
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