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Old 01-26-2004, 10:53 AM
cepstrum cepstrum is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 57
Default Re: JJ heads-up vs. a tight player

well dave, if your opponent's starting requirements are as stated, then you can't fold before the flop, can you? with all those big aces to raise with, you are ahead nearly 3/4 of the time, and when you are ahead, he's drawing to 3 or fewer outs more than a third of the time.

that said, once your opponent bets the flop, he is representing either ak or one of the big pairs, so while you are still probably ahead, it's not as nice a situation as it once was. and if your opponent really won't open-raise with kqs in middle position, then i would even hesitate to put him on ak. and now you are probably trailing.

so i don't think you have a raise on the flop, and given opponent's tightness, i would consider folding. obviously you only have a bet on the river if your opponent will call with ak or tt - because he ain't folding jj or better. but as stated above, i think the flop bet makes that ak and tt unlikely.

good luck

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