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Old 01-14-2004, 10:30 PM
Jezebel Jezebel is offline
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Default Re: Do I bet this turn?

Hey Beer,
I think you want to bet this turn for reasons Brian has already mentioned.

I think checking the turn with outs applies when if you are raised, you really won't have the odds to call the raise. For example, if you had 2 pair on a 3 flush board by the turn and the pot had 5 bb in it. If you bet you can assume that it is likely you are up against a flush, but you wont have the pot odds to call the raise since you would only be getting 8:1 pot odds for your 11:1 shot at filling up. Therefore it is better to check since your hand can improve to beat a flush and you would like to do it as cheaply as possible.

With a set you usually have the pot odds to call a turn raise in an attempt to fill up so betting out is not as deterimental and has the benefit of charging other draws. If there were a 4 flush on the board I would probably check a set on the turn though.
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