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Old 12-25-2003, 11:55 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Underage at Foxwoods?

"I have a friend who is Asian and around 33 and still gets carded at casinos. I don't think it is predjudice, its just that some people have a hard time judging the age of a person who is not of their own kind."

It also might have something to do with the fact that Asians on average don't look as old (as whites for instance) until they get really old. Thinner & trimmer = less gut or tell-tale middle-age spread; plus Asian men don't bald as quickly or as much on average as Caucasians. Add in the general clean-cut look for the most part and a sharp haircut and add it all up, and hey, most Asian guys in their 30's simply look more youthful than most whites (especially overweight Americans) in their 30's.

So you're probably right that it is harder to judge ages across races--especially if one doesn't take into account typical or average differences such as mentioned above. Of course, as far as your friend is concerned, this is assuming he is not overweight and that he has a clean-cut youthful appearance.
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