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Old 12-16-2003, 01:23 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: The Most Basic Issue

Much talk about a Constitutional Amendment basically banning gay marriage. I don't think that will get any more action than lip service (thankfully IMO).

Democrat Proposes Anti-Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment

Democrat Proposes Anti-Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment
Mississippi Democrat "Lead Sponsor" On Measure Not Expected to Advance

May 15, 2002

(WASHINGTON) A coalition of largely African American leaders joined a Mississippi Democratic Member of Congress today to announce the introduction of a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Congressman Ronnie Shows (D-MS) joined leaders of the "Alliance for Marriage" at a Capitol Hill press conference to announce the introduction at its lead sponsor. The group boasted of "strong bi-partisan support" for the measure, however it was announced that the measure has six co-sponsors -- three Democrats and three Republicans.

In addition to Shows, the measure is co-sponsored by Congressman Ralph Hall (D-TX), Congressman David Phelphs (D-IL), Congresswoman Sue Myrick (R-NC), Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis (R-VA) and Congressman Chris Cannon (R-UT).

"This measure should not be taken seriously by Members of Congress of either party," said Rich Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans. "It is unlikely to advance in this or any Congress, nor should it be allowed to advance. It is merely a fundraising ploy by people on the extreme end of the political spectrum at the expense of more serious and important issues facing our nation."

A constitutional amendment requires 2/3 passage in both the House and Senate, and must be ratified by 3/4 of the states, an extremely rare event, and unlikely prospect for this measure. Democrats and Republicans expressed opposition to it in 2001 when the "Alliance for Marriage" began an internet campaign to promote its efforts.

On this site I found what I thought was a good counter arguement to such an amendment.

Log Cabin Denounces Federal Marriage Amendment

November 26, 2003

(Washington) Log Cabin Republicans denounce the introduction of the Federal Marriage Amendment in the United States Senate on Tuesday.

"Across America families are gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving, while on Capital Hill some members of the United States Senate conspire to marginalize part of the American family," said Log Cabin Republican executive director Patrick Guerriero.

On Tuesday, a Constitutional amendment that would codify discrimination against tax-paying gay and lesbian Americans was introduced in the United States Senate by Republican Senators Allard (CO), Sessions (AL) and Brownback (KS).

"The Constitution is a masterpiece of liberty and freedom. Corrupting this precious document to score cheap political points is frankly obscene. Writing discrimination into the Constitution is an affront to everything our founding fathers stood for," continued Guerriero.

"True conservatives would never alter our Constitution for political purposes. As conservative Republicans, Log Cabin members across our nation are shocked that these senators would make such a brazen attack on states' rights. On his own web site, Senator Allard brags about his support of state's rights, yet when it comes to discriminating against loving gay and lesbian families, he suddenly feels compelled to have sweeping federal action. Senator Allard's attack on gay and lesbian families is disingenuous and intellectually inconsistent," added Mark Mead, Log Cabin director of public affairs.

"The American public wants our elected representatives to work with President Bush to win the war on terror, not to wage a culture war. They should maintain their focus on expanding our economic recovery, creating more jobs and supporting our armed forces, not permanently marring our sacred Constitution," said Guerriero.

And who are Log Cabin Republicans?

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation's largest gay and lesbian Republican organization, with state and local chapters nationwide, a full-time national office and a federal political action committee.

Imagine that Gay and Lesbian Republicans who endorse conservative ideals.
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