Thread: Effective odds
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Old 12-09-2003, 10:47 PM
BruceZ BruceZ is offline
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Default Re: Effective odds

Hey Bruce, ya think you could answer my question about Mike Pretriv's odds book somewhere here in the "probability" section

I already did answer it at the bottom of this post in response to your other question.

You see to me numbers was kinda like "straightforward," once you understood the way to do the equation they were all pretty much the same and so as long as you made sure you knew your rules you were Ok. It wasnt like that in other subjects for me where I actually had to think ya know?

Probability is one area where you can easily justify the wrong answer, so for many problems it is necessary to think and understand the fundamentals, rather than just plugging into equations. You want to know principles rather than equations. You can do many problems very easily using just a few principles, but you have to understand them very well. The 3 methods for doing the flush draw problem require understanding the principles of independence, and mutually exclusive events. This post should help explain how those principles relate to this problem.

Anyway, thanx again Bruce, I am gonne look into that 35% thing now cuz to be honest while it doesnt make sense to me yet I think I rememer that figure somewhere waaay back in like a stud book and Im kinda interested to see if Im right and whether or not it does translate to Holdem correctly.

It would be the same for stud if you have a 4-flush on 5th street, but only if you don't take any of the other player's cards into account.
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