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Old 09-29-2001, 06:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: 4/8 Hand: Semi-Bluff & Toal Bluff


"My table image is respectably tight with those who are paying attention."

Straddler's don't pay attention for the most part and 4/8 players don't drop. You mite be able to bluff out a normal player but not a straddler who caught middle pair on the flop. You mite use this hand to exploit the players who are watching by tightening up again.

"The straddler turns over an 8 (I didn't see the other card. I was a bit dissapointed he called) and he wins the pot with Qs & 8s."

These are the hands straddler's usually have. Maniac's also have alot of these hands.

I think you played it well but got unlucky. Unfortunately you usually have to have the best hand to win at 4/8. I like your bet on the river. It may have changed your image but that could be a good thing.

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