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Old 12-30-2005, 06:37 PM
CORed CORed is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Default Re: Do you support Bush?

I'm certainly not suggesting that there should be no wiretapping of terrorists. I'm simply suggesting that it should be done under the laws that are already in place, which even allow the retroactive issuing of wiretaps on communications with foreign parties.
Bush wants an unfettered right to wiretap anybody he classifies as a "terrorist" with no review or controls. He has asserted the authority to imprison any U.S. citizen classified as an "enemy combatatant" without trial, and has done so (Padilla). It is becoming increasingly apparent that the "war on terror" is a convenient excuse for a massive increase in presidential power and usurpation of civil liberties. Bush has asserted that the fact that we are "at war" (which, legally, we are not) trumps every conceivable check on his authority. Some time in 2008, he will likely assert that it's just too dangerous to elect a new president while we are "at war" and unilaterally cancel the election, so he can remain in control until the "war on terror" has been won. The biggest threat to this country is not lurking in a Middle East desrt somewhere, he is sitting on th Oval Office.
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