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Old 08-31-2001, 12:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Pot Commitment (long)

I agree that raising with Kings is correct, and that if you raised with them every time you got them, it wouldn't be a mistake. I raise with them 90% of the time or better. I think that sometimes it's good to just call with them to mix up your play a bit, and in the BB with a bunch of limpers and a button raise this is the perfect time to do it. I wouldn't let a bunch of people limp in cheaply--if everybody calls to my BB, I would raise. This particular situation is exactly what I'm looking for to mix up my play with AA or KK. I would also have smooth called if I were in the SB. I made the same play with AA online, we took the flop 9 handed for 2 bets each, the flop came up A-K-J of hearts. I bet into that flop and it was capped by 3 of us. The turn brought another Jack and we capped it again--I only had to call along with the other two. On the river I jumped to life and slowed them down to a 3 bet. It was $0.50/$1 limit and I took down a $30 pot. Huge for that game. Had I raised preflop I don't think I could have ridden my opponents coat tails all the way to the river. Anyway, this is one of the very few situations that I would limp with AA or KK. Normally I will cap the betting if I'm given the chance.
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