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Old 11-25-2003, 12:52 AM
GeorgeF GeorgeF is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 110
Default Re: 401K investments strategy or just luck??

The point to stategy is to minimize luck, unless you are especially shrewd you can only do this through diversification and expense reduction.
1) As to GM ,Hughes and stocks it is not a good idea to own more than 4% of any particular stock.
2) I do not suggest you invest in a mutual that charges more than 1% as expenses.
3) I suggest you stick to index funds like vanguard and TIAA-cref.
4) I suggest you include bond funds in your mix.
5) Assuming your salary is paid in US dollars you should consider some foreign bond funds just in case the president decides to get involved in foreign military adventures or run up deficits.
6) If you are involved in the auto business I suggest you lean twards investing outside the auto business so that just incase the US auto business does not work out you will have something to fall back on, while if the US auto business is successfull you have you job.
7) If you are infact shrewd and have the time to devote to it you can violate all these rules, but remember smarter people than you have failed to acheive investment success.
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