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Old 12-19-2005, 02:16 PM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Re: Rambling thoughts about the US military

Sponger, you have an amazing simplistic view on the world and geo-politics. I am hoping that you started this thread as more of a learning experience and not to try and prove something. The simpliest explanation for why we have such a large military presence is to protect out interest abroad. All countries have interest, and all countries try to do as much as possible to protect and influence their interests.

If the U.S. did not have such a large military, countries such as China, N. Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan, Syria, and Russia would be far more aggressive at spreading their ideologies(sp) and far more aggresive at asserting their dominance over their neighbors.

Our militart enables us to restrict, or slow down, aggressive nations, while protecting our interests. Our interests enable us to be the worlds leader both economically and militarily. I think all of this information is fairly obvious.
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