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Old 12-02-2005, 01:29 PM
Aaron W. Aaron W. is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 87
Default Re: Old Aaron W. Post- Very good

I disagree you don't learn anything by still playing 1/2 5max after 4 years having only played 25000 hands. You learn by playing in more difficult games against better players. Do you think if michael jordan practiced only ever practice one shot and only ever played against high school teams he would have reached his full potential.

Playing hands means experiencing new situations, as long as you have enough focus to think about these new situations as you play 4+ tables then you continue to learn. Also "player reads, table textures, etc" are a little trivial at these levels, finally most good multitablers have the skills to notice these nuances anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Perhaps it's best put this way:

In a span of 100 hands, how many mistakes do you think you make ('mistake' means making *ANY* decision which is not optimal EV)?

How many of these mistakes do you notice?

How many of these mistakes have something to teach you?

How many of these mistakes do you actually learn something from?

The answer to the 4th question is hopefully close to the answer to the first. If it isn't, then the level you're at has plenty to teach you.
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